1. Pramoedya Ananta Noer
"Once again in life, one must take a stand. Otherwise, he would not be nothing!"
2. Robert Wolter Mangonsidi
"I've Let go of me as a victim with full sincerity, fulfilling obligations to society now and in the future., I fully believe that the sacrifice for the country to approach the introduction of the Almighty God"
3. Ir. Soekarno
"Give me 100 parents, will undoubtedly Semeru I pulled from the roots. Give me a young man, will undoubtedly I shake the world."
4. Bung Tomo
"Selama banteng-banteng Indonesia masih mempunyai darah merah yang dapat membikin secarik kain putih menjadi merah dan putih, maka selama itu tidak akan kita mau menyerah kepada siapapun juga"
"As long as Indonesia bulls still have the red blood that can make a piece of white cloth into red and white, so long as it would not we want to give up to anybody"
5. Raden Ajeng Kartini
"I know, the way I wanted to take it hard, full of thorns, thistles, perforated. Rocky road,berjendal-bumpy, slippery ... pioneered yet! And although I would have broken in themiddle of the road, I'll die happy . Because the road was open, and I helped the road to freedom and independence. Bumiputera Women. "
6. Soe Hok Gie
"The first question we must answer is: WHO AM I? I have answered that I was an intellectual who does not pursue power, but one who wants to declare the truth. My fund willing to deal with non-popular, because of something larger: THE TRUTH"
7. Tan Malaka
"Revolution is not an extraordinary income of the brain, not the inventory of thumb and not born on the orders of an extraordinary human being. Skills and exceptional character of the person building the revolution, accelerating or lead to the victory, but he was unable to create with his own brain "
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